The figures are out for yesterday, Monday, January 4 and Avatar has beaten expectations again with BOG of $8.1M.  As I pointed out in my post yesterday, if Avatar had suffered the same Sunday/Monday percentage drop that Titanic did on it’s Monday after New Years (Titanic went from $8m on Sunday to $3m on Monday, a drop of 66%), it would be doing extremely well.  Well — forget that, because Avatar’s drop was only 53.4% — from $17m to 8.1m.  So in this instance Avatar outperformed Titanic not only on a simple gross basis — 8.1m to $3m — but also suffered less of a dropoff than Titanic which is very significant from a trending perspective.

Avatar also continued to extend it’s lead over TItanic on a ‘same number of days in release’ basis — with that lead now standing at $199m after 18 days in release for each film.   See the following chart for the full layout: (click to see full size)

The following chart is the one I’ve published previously which asks “what if?” Avatar were have the same legs as Titanic — how high could it go.  What’s significant about Monday (see yellow shaded row) is that, because Titanic actually dropped 66% as opposed to 53.4% for Avatar, you can see an increase in Avatar’s “what if” projected final gross.  I want to stress — no one, least of all yours truly, is projecting that Avatar can go on as long and as productively as Titanic, but what the figure of $1+B shows is just how much of a lead Avatar has on Titanic — a lead that should shrink as Titanic’s phenomenal ‘legs’ begin to come into play.  But it is interesting and significant that this far downstream, on day 18, Avatar actually gained against Titanic in every measure.

Finally — it’s worth noting that all other films out on Monday dropped in the 60-0% range, and it’s also worth noting that Avatar claimed a whopping 44% of the total Monday Box Office Gross for all films of $18m. (click to see full size)

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