Jim Sartin, an old pal from my Subic days who, last time I checked, was still traveling the world opening up hubs and spokes for FedEx, sent me this — life explained in a graph. It’s worth a look and a chuckle.

While this is just intended for a laugh — it’s one of those “sad but true” things that pinpoints something very true for many people, including yours truly. The good news is that I’m at least temporarily not drinking — 5 weeks into a fitness and weight loss program that has resulted in losing 20 pounds and re-learning what it’s like to live the unbuzzed life. Still have 30 pounds to go. But the point here is that when you measure your life in terms of accomplishment and prestige/respect, it’s pretty easy to develop that yellow section in the graph.

Here’s the question: It is wisdom to realize that life is more about relationships and experience than it’s about achievement? Or is that capitulation, an acceptance of defeat?


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