Crazy Sci-Fi Dream Time
As a rule, I don’t remember my dreams very well, but last night my son Patrick arrived home for the holidays at 1am, and we stayed up talking. I finally went to bed around 4, and so I guess I found my way into a deep sleep just before waking up at 9am and had a very vivid Sci-Fi dream that, presumably because I interrupted it by waking up, I remember vividly. This is a full-on Robert Heinlein Starship Troopers Sci-Fi dream — or at least that is where it seemed to be headed when I woke up . I have no idea what it means, but I can’t just let this pass on to oblivion. So here it is, for the record. Welcome any interpreters out there unless you’re going to tell me it’s a premonition of death, in which case please keep it to yourself.
The Dream
Day. The sky is blue — perfect, clear blue, not a hint of haze. Rena’s driving, I’m in the passenger seat, we’re driving through the countryside — perfect green meadows, scattered pine trees, no sign of human habitation.
Suddenly, in the sky, I see something hurtling in our direction — too fast to be a jet or anything normal. A meteor?
Suddenly it flashe overhead and I see that it’s a …. spacecraft? Or just an advanced technology supersonic jet? Not sure.
There are more of them … hundreds, in fact.
Suddenly, from nearby, a missile fires and flashes up into the sky and crashes into the intruding vehicle.
Another missile, another crash.
Debris is raining down now. At first it seems like we might be abl eto get away from it, but there’s too much — the debris — big pieces of twisted metal — is raining down. We’re going to be hit.
I cover Rena.
It goes dark.
I wake up (still in the dream). I’m at home, in our apartment. Rena’s not beside me. I’m alarmed. I get up. I try to talk but discover that might third toe on my right foot is tied by a string (maybe a wire) to the third toe on my left foot. It’s some kind of shackles. I can’t get it off.
I walk out of the bedroom, down the hallway.
Outside, there are military vehicles in the treet.
The apartment is dark, no electricity, but there are cables running in from outside. I look out the window ….. Many military vehicles and personnel are in the street. Not sure who they are.
Where’s Rena?
And that’s it. I wake up for real this time.
Year of the Spy Book Trailer
Above is the Year of the Spy Book Trailer — for my upcoming non-fiction book about espionage upheavals on the streets of Moscow in 1985.
Below is a “trailer” showcasing the writing and video services I provide to clients.
Michael Sellers — Writing and Video Services
My eBook — Just released Dec 5, 2012
EBook You don't need a Kindle or iPad -- Download Adobe Digital Editions for Free, then read the .mobi (Kindle Format) or .epub (Nook, iPad Format) digital book on your computer. Or order the PDF which is formatted exactly like the print book.Recent Posts
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