I finally found a video clip of Floyd Mayweather’s post-fight rant against Manny Pacquiao and I have to say, watching it is quite a bit more revealing than just reading the words.  This is a few minutes before Mayweather burst into tears and you can already hear the catch in his voice that’s a clue to what is about to come.  It’s fascinating to see the seething emotion just below the surface in Mayweather as he attempts to swat the gadfly that Pacquiao has become, keeping him from achieving his dream of total recognition as an all-time great — and how hard he is working to talk his way to that dream rather than do the obvious and just fight.  Very revealing indeed:

I would love to hear the impressions of this clip coming from a psychologist trained to read body language, etc. My own impression is that here is Mayweather, close on the heels of his $40m victory, and instead of being relaxed and confident he’s combative, defensive, and deeply, deeply frustrated (I think more than anything else, the catch in his voice that will eventually lead to the tears is about that – frustration). Can you imagine how, going into the Ortiz fight, he was anticipating the glory that would be his post-fight, and how he would have demonstrated to the world that he’s the best, that his “O” (as in 42-O) makes him the man, and how he would have seized the high ground when it came time to answer the questions about Pacquiao — but how in reality, here he is, a “winner” whose “win” is being questioned, whose skills are not appreciated, etc……

None of this really matters except as it pertains to the question: Will this guy ever actually fight Pacquiao? I don’t think so. I think, more than at any time in the past, Mayweather wants no part of Pacquiao. Saturday night was not that much of a confidence builder for Mayweather. Yes, he was ahead on the judge’s scorecards when the fight ended — but Ortiz was finding himself in that 4th round and he was pushing Mayweather around — and walking through Mayweather’s punches — and gaining confidence just as Mayweather was beginning to wonder, what do I have to do to slow this guy down? There is no way tht Mayweather didn’t feel a bit vulnerable — perhaps more than a bit — and now I believe he’s on to figuring out ways to make just enough excuses to buy enough time until Pacquiao is on the next phase of his life (most probably governor of Sarangani Province) and his boxing days are over. The universe that’s been waiting for the mega-fight will, gradually, come to realize it’s just not going to happen. I hope I ‘m wrong, I really do. I hope that maybe, perhaps, this post-fight version of Mayweather will turn out to be different — that PBF will, on reflection, come to realize that his legacy cannot be complete without the Pacquiao fight, and that in fact he needs it now more than ever after the Ortiz debacle.

That’s what I hope, not what I believe.

Meanwhile I am searching for the clip of Mayweather’s actual tear-filled breakdown — and it seems that it is nowhere to be found on the internet. How can that be? Surely the same cameras that were rolling at the start of the press conference were rolling when that happened. If anyone can find a clip – send it to me at michaeldsellers@gmail.com.

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