Ever since the tragic events in Haiti began to unfold, I’ve been watching to see if Tiger Woods and his foundation would step up and take a prominent role in trying to help with the devastation in Port-au-Prince.  I would have thought of Tiger even if he hadn’t been in his current pickle, because he has the foundation and he has the funds, and a plane.  If Redskins owner Daniel Snyder can spare his plane and send it to Haiti with relief supplies, why not Tiger?  I even wondered about the possibility of Tiger himself going to Haiti to deliver aid and try to help. Would that have been “too obvious” as a kind of granstanding?  Or would it have been a healing gesture?  If Tiger showed up in Haiti, would he have been able to avoid questions about his sexual romps?  To me, it seems that he could have — that the situation in Haiti is so dire that he could legitimately say “I’m not going to talk about that when people are daying all around us.”.

Rocker Gene Simmons reported on Twitter that Tiger was going to give $3m; but Greg McLaughlin, the head of the Tiger Woods Foundation, said he doesn’t know anything about it and that the foundation was evaluating “the most appropriate role” to help the Haitian people.  Come on, the time for “evaluating” is long gone.  Sounds to me like he’s gotten no guidance whatsoever from Tiger.  McLaughlin’s full statement was:  “Our plan is to be part of the relief effort to help rebuild Haiti by supporting organizations that provide critical resources to young people.”

Other reports said specifically that Tiger was sending a mobile hospital with 50 EMT’s to set up a triage station.  Now THAT would have been a good gesture on a scale that could have an impact and is something that is within Tiger’s capabilities to provide.  But again, Mclaughlin says no, it’s not true.

Come on Tiger, get with the program.

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